Wednesday, December 22, 2010

About REamuse

Thanks for visiting!
My furniture is made solely out of REclaimed and REcycled materials giving you a clever and practical one-of-a-kind piece of art. I've always had the desire to work with my hands and have done so for a number of years in the construction trades.
It all started a little over a year ago. My wife and I were driving home through the middle of the night. It was during that time of solitude and peaceful reflection that the epiphany first occured to me. After mulling it over for the next hour or so behind the wheel and mentally creating pieces, I finally blurted out, "I'm going to make furniture when we get home." Abruptly waking my wife she replied, "ok." So it, a year later and over a dozen pieces created, crafted and sold my creative juices are still bubbling over. Where do I find my REclaimied, REpurposed materials? Anywhere and everywhere, auctions, dumpsters, garages, barns, old homes, etc. What materials have I used? Old windows, barn beams and headers, WW2  ammunition box, oak pallets, old wooden shutters, old chairs, pretty much anything salvaged from the wretches of a landfill. The possibilites to REpurpose are amazing. I can make custom pieces to fit your size and budget. Please check out this blog for some great Adirondak chairs made from REclaimed barn siding.

If you are interested in any of the pieces for sale please email Thank you for your interest!

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